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25 August 2006

Floral Gifts for Men; Cactuses and Orchids

If you're wondering what kind of floral gift may be appreciated by men, apparently the cactus and the orchids are popular gifts. According to one person in the know about trendy gift-giving customs in Hollywood;

“For a man, I usually recommend an orchid,” he declared. “But a cactus is the same thing. It’s a plant, not a flower. And that’s important, because a plant is masculine. Men send plants to men every day in Hollywood. It’s just business.”

The beautiful orchid photo above is by Dave Parker.

10 August 2006

Carnation Floral Creative Art

Here's a very cute teddy bear made with carnations. Has anyone seen more carnation floral creativity? Please send me a photo!

The photo here was taken by Jelinda at Flickr.

A Unique Flower Shop Window Display

Here is the window display for a flower shop in Paris. The french have such a completely unique aesthetic. I would have guessed this flower shop was in Paris even if I hadn't already known...

These photos were taken by Steven Parker at Flickr.
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