Florists in Los Angeles

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27 March 2009

Flowers in Hospital Rooms

A recent study found that hospital patients who have flowers or potted plants in their hospital rooms need fewer pain killers, have a lower heart rate and blood pressure and are better off. They feel less anxious and less tired.

See more from the study here.

Photo of roses in a hospital room by studentofrhythym

26 March 2009

You Don't Send Me Flowers Anymore

Shari used to work at a flower store in Los Angeles. That was a long time ago. Since then, she has dated a few guys but none of them ever bought her flowers until her latest date. They were going out for two months, he bought her flowers but then he broke up with her and described her as 'crystalline'. See her story here.

The crystalline flowers pictured here are via SRGC

20 March 2009

Gardeners in Los Angeles

The Wall Street Journal has an article recently about the immigrant gardeners and landscapers who work in Los Angeles. They say the economic downturn has not had much of an impact on them yet. They note this is a good living for many immigrants who move on to create their own landscaping firms and hire several employees. Check out their story here.

Photo of LA house and garden by Alan Light

18 March 2009

Floral Art

Here's a beautiful photo by tanakawho. It's called "Dessert for your eyes."
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.