Florists in Los Angeles

Best Local Florists in Los Angeles


11 February 2006

Sending Flowers - Pest Free Delivery

The roses you buy are likely to have traveled far to get to your local florist. Over three quarters of the cut flowers bought in the U.S. are imported.

The top three imported cut flowers are roses, carnations and chrysanthemums. Miami, Los Angeles and New York are the top three ports that receive these flower shipments. Here the customs officials are kept busy inspecting the flowers for bugs and pests. Whether it is roses from Columbia or rare orchids from Thailand, these people carefully inspect them before they end up at your florist, grocery store or sidewalk stand. In 2005 more than 6,000 actionable insects or pests were intercepted at the port of Miami.

Source: USA : CBP makes pest free flowers delivery

The above print is 'American Classic Rose' by Debra Lake
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